Lil Gal Lapstrake bottom planking on v-bottomed chine boat design by Bob DarrPlanked up to chine then turned right side up to finish planking – Planked in carvel style for the topsidesPlanking finished – Inwale installed – Planked in Doug Fir, Western Red Cedar & Alaskan Yellow CedarFrom above – Sawn frames and floor timbers in White OakAft deck beams and blockingRabbeted king plank notched into forward deck beams – Blocking to reinforce mast partnersFirst piece of sprung Doug Fir deck fastenedSprung deck being installedAft decking is notched into Pepperwood king plankAft deck completedDecking completed – Daggerboard trunk installed and secured by thwartForward part of Pepperwood cockpit coaming being clamped in place after steamingSide coamings sprung in place – Deck caulking startedCoaming completed – Fitting cockpit soleCorner block on cockpit coamingVarnished and paintedMore finishingShe’s out of the shop!Profile shot